Friday, February 18, 2011

P2CConnect Part 1

That’s the new logo and motto, denoting our working principle; we know inspired by the phrase Slow and Steady Wins the Race, reason being we were working on our new version i.e P2Cconnect Beta for one more year and we are glad to launch it by April 2011.Now we have here is a new and improvised website and a product to register our presence in the field and prove our motto “The Way Ahead”.

We are not jumping into a conclusion about us and our product cause this is the time we got to show what we have and what we are really upto. To support our claim, we are putting our best foot forward that is our accomplished version. We have raised our bars by introducing reformed structure to meet all the requirements of Parent, School and Student.

The service or application provided to parents by us covers particularly each and every aspect of child schooling. We intend on creating a link between Academics and Co-curricular, Problems and Solutions, even Parent and Teacher communication, and this all through a single login id for parent. We are acting like a hassle free outlet of information to parent. There is a long list to the features accessible by parent , so to content it in short we have (1)Child Attendance Details and Analysis,(2)Child Academic Details,(3)Child CCE Progress (if applicable),(4)School Calendar (PTM, Exams, Activities, Holidays, Time Table) & Syllabus,(5)School Albums,(6)School Notices,(7)Child Remarks,(8)History of SMS and Email,(9)Teacher Interaction Tool,(10)Child Behavior Traits,(11)Child Extra Curricular Performance,(12)Medical Profile of their child,(13)Child Assignments,(14)Contact P2CConnect Team and (15)Articles. We are focusing on parent expectation by being more detailed and informative on the requirements.

P2CConnect is also the binding link between the fragile relationship of school and parents. We are also committed to create awareness among parent regarding the current education scenario. We had introduced Articles and Blogs within , which will help parents to understand the current situation and trend in education through renowned educationist’s articles and blogs.

It’s about meeting all ends, Student by detail and assistance, Parents by awareness and information.

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